Thursday, February 03, 2005

Lawsuit Against Convenience Store in NM

The estate of a murdered clerk is suing the Allsup's Convenience Store Chain over lack of Security in Hobbs, NM. Elizabeth Garcia, the mother of 3 young children, was working the graveyard shift on January 16th. She was reported missing from her job but was later found in a nearby field with 57 stab wounds. The suit seeks compensation for aggravating circumstances damages, punitive damages, costs of litigation, and other relief. The central complaint revolves the lack of cameras and that she had to work alone during her shift. The lawsuit also lists a couple of incidents where other Allsup's clerks were killed while working alone on the graveyard shift and requests by an employee to have two clerks on the shift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lonnie Allsups owner of Allsups convenience stores chain settled out of court yesterday for an undisclosed amount. The New Mexico State Law requires nightshift employees to work from 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM in pairs of two (2) and Allsups Inc. refuses to abide by these laws. No one will force the issue. Many Allsups employees have been killed on these shifts. Not one fine has been levied against Allsups Inc. in regards to these violations. Lonnie keeps ignoring the law and getting his people killed simply to save minimum wage for an eight hour shift. It does not matter how many people are killed or how many peoples lives are destroyed to save Mr Lonnie Allsups $40 per night per store. Local prosecutor Matt Chandler does not want to talk about it. Maybe Lonnie should have his own family work the night shift. Either his son who was arrested for bank robbery of 25K (never found or returned BTW), he is still a free man or his grandson who was arrested for cocain sales, as he is a free man as well. What do you think?