Thursday, February 03, 2005

1/2/05 Caribou ME; Coffee Shop Worker Kills Supervisor

On January 2nd, Christopher Shumway, 19, murdered his supervisor Erin Sperrey, 20, for allegedly rejecting his requests to go out with him. The two worked in a coffee shop in Caribou, ME and were alone when Shumway cornered Sperrey in the back room where he kicked and beat her mercilessly. He then reportedly went back on to the floor where he waited on several customers while she died from her injuries. Sperrey’s mother stated that her daughter was too polite to tell Shumway no but instead made up excuses about why she couldn’t go out with him. He later put Sperrey in her car but later abondoned the vehicle on the roadside. Although $1,200 was also missing from the shop, police do not believe that robbery was a motive. Shumway was later found in a Bangor hotel the next day.

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