Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Campus Assaut Simulation Traumatizes Witnesses

UNC Officials 'Disappointed' in ECSU's Handling of Emergency Drill ::

Probably in response to the recent school shootings, UNC at Elizabeth State had a simulation drill of a gunman coming on to the campus, entering a classroom and threatened to kill some of the students.

It is unclear the level and detail of communication that went out those involved but clearly the professor and students were did not know the assault was just a drill.

While the authenticity of the student reaction would enhance the training experience of the responding officers, the risk of psychological damage and other adverse responses such as a heart attack or, in a worst case scenario, a student or by-stander may have actually shot the pretend assailant

There are clearly other ways to prepare for such a drill to reduce or eliminate the chance of emotional trauma. A clear description of what will occur before the event to those involved and a 5 minute, direct, verbal warning before entering the room and a chance for the witnesses to the meet the pretend assailant would reduce the potential impact.

After all, it was the responders who were being tested, not the students. Such surprise drills may have a role for the military and emergency responders but you can not expect (or have no way of expecting) the response of 18-21 yro students.

Professional, thoughtful responses welcomed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely! This incident has the potential to negatively impact these students lives for a very long time.